'Kleur Bekennen' for a well balanced MT

With our 'Kleur Bekennen' programmes for management teams we show the way to your spot in the vanguard, so you'll be ready for tomorrows' world. By showing your colours with and within the team, we develop a common intention. Together we will fill in your colour in the Business Compass. In a maximum of three days we will prepare your team for the future.

Reflect: the wonder of wondering 

In the reflect-phase we provide inspiring examples and form a clear understanding of where you stand now.  Everyone personally defines their colour by means of the Kleur Bekennen test. We look at dominant leadership roles and look for differences and complementary qualities. This is how we arrive at a supported core role with corresponding organizational promises. You have a clear starting point, gain insight into each other's preferred role and learn how to reinforce each other in it.

Redesign: give colour to your leadership 

Then we make a definitive choice in your core role and determine the impact on and interpretation of various components of our unique Business Compass. Based on this, you make well-founded choices to become a leader in your own way.

Recreate: give shape to new leadership 

In the last phase, we put your chosen colour into practice by translating your Business Compass into concrete actions. How will you fulfill your own role? And what do you have to do together in the coming months? The result: a strong basis that everyone supports and will take your organization substantially forward.

Kleur Bekennen for true innovation

Successful innovation comes from the essence of your organization. With many years of experience, we know how to create new concepts from a strong foundation. In three steps we ensure that you become a leader in your field.

Kleur Bekennen for pioneers

With our special 'Kleur Bekennen' programs for pioneers, we are also there for people who want to be of value in the rapidly changing world.

Ready to show your true colours?

Anna will be happy to tell you more.

Call +36 48069666 or send an email.